In Visualizing Human Rights, students in Dr. Jonah Rubin’s Human Rights and Humanitarianism course selected and examined one case study in human rights. Their topics span across issues in race, the LGBTQ+ community, incarceration, and more. Throughout the term, students gathered relevant research, developed qualitative and quantitative visualizations, and curated this information into an advocacy-centered and public-facing blog post. One of the central objectives of this project was to not only inform others about these case studies, but to advocate for specific policies and actions that could help these issues.
Students collaborated with staff from the Abolition for All Time Humanities Lab at Knox College to build their visualizations, infographics, and final blog posts. The lab specializes in supporting digital and creative pedagogy to explore themes of abolition, activism, and social justice in the humanities. Dr. Jen Andrella and Annemarie Christiansen (undergraduate lab assistant) provided support on constructing the digital portions of the project which included Canva (qualitative visualization building), Flourish (quantitative visualization building), and Microsoft Sway (immersive blog posts). By presenting this work in a public format, students engaged in digital research, learned how to analyze data through building visualizations, and learned about digital accessibility.
You can view their projects on the Browse Projects page.